1 min read
24 Dec

Everyone at PA Pro would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope that you, your staff and your loved ones have remained safe throughout 2020 and Covid19. We don't think that anyone could of predicted this year's events, not to mention the impact the pandemic has had on so many lives and businesses.

Like most businesses, we closed the doors to our office in March at the start of the first lockdown, working remotely from our homes and keeping business flowing, whilst continuing to support our clients. The first lockdown taught us how best to juggle work life, home life and home schooling our children. We made sure to stick to a work routine, this kept us in the right working mindset and ensured maximum efficiency for our clients. Our team maintained a strong work connection, despite the lack of face to face socialisation, preventing our staff from feeling isolated, we chose to call each other instead of just communicating via email. We replicated a work environment in our homes by having a dedicated work area which helped us to stay positive, focused and on task. The team stuck to regular working hours with set times for breaks and lunches to keep structure, helping us run as efficiently as possible and ensured that everyone was happy.
We made the decision to work in the office from June. We have made some drastic changes in the office to maintain the safety of our team, rearranging the furniture to have our team sat at desks 2 meters apart, daily temperature checks and sanitising all the used objects in the office daily. Since returning to the office, despite the pandemic we have stayed positive throughout and PA Pro has grown with both new customers and employees, even in this difficult time. Something so positive has boosted the company morale and helped influence our decision to work from the office. This has increased productivity and kept the staff well connected and social, we have all worked really hard throughout the most unprecedented times and we are looking forward to 2021 with having a strong finish to the year.

The team at PA-Pro would like to wish you good health and good times during this festive period. 
Stay safe and we wish you all the success for the new year ahead! 

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